
About Master of Economics

A master’s degree in Economics and Development Economics is a one-or-two-year long graduate program which often requires a final thesis. The core modules include course on Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, and Applied Econometrics. The curriculum is normally designed around core topics, with any optional and additional coursework related to the program focus. There are also specialized degree programs available in the areas of Masters in Economics, Masters in International Economics, and Masters in Agricultural Economics.

Master of Economics program equips students with broad knowledge to address the demanding economic problems and enhance their research skills giving them excellent tools to pursue their careers in both national and international organizations. i.e.  Financial institutions, international development agencies, research institutions, academia and the like. Students can select from a wide range of following career options: statistician, econometrician, data scientist, financial analyst, economist, consultant, professor, policy analyst, budget analyst and market research specialist.

Master of Economics at Kateb University

Kateb University offers quality master’s program in the fields of Economics and Development Economics. Under these programs, we offer rigorous trainings in three main areas, i.e. Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Econometrics to build students’ capacity and expertise required in working as a professional economist anywhere across Afghanistan and abroad. Additionally, KU also provides various skill-based practical seminars and extensive research trainings to enhance the students’ technical skills and research capacity.

Master of Economics at KU aims to educate elites to meet the needs of the current labor market, institutions, and organization in both national and international levels. Also, we prepare students who are inclined towards pursing their Ph.D. in different fields of economics with required expertise and adeptness.

Education System

Kateb University offers its master’s degree in Economics and Development Economics over the completion of 36 credits as per requirement of the Ministry of Higher Education. This includes courses in five main categories: general education, foundational courses, core courses, elective courses and a final thesis. The overall degree is divided into four semesters or two years of study with mandatory 8 credits in each regular semester. Each credit hour equals to 16 sessions per semester.


The graduate program in Economics and Development Economics at KU is designed to provide the required sets of skills the students need to meet the international standards. The core competencies are comprised of theories and applied economics. Theories include the study of micro and macroeconomics, monetary economics, international business, econometrics, and growth theories. Complementary applied skills encompass research methods, applied econometrics and data analysis software such as STATA, EViews, and SPSS

Master of Economics Degree Plan
Master of Economics
No Elective Credits Selective Credits
1 Micro Economics 4 Engineering Economics 3
2 Macro Economics 4 Math 4
3 Islamic Economics 2 Development Economics 3
4 Econometrics 4 International Trade 3
5 Growth Theories 3 Agriculture Economics 3
6 Afghanistan Economy 3
7 Monitory Economics 3
8 Applied Econometrics 3
9 Thesis 6
  Total 32  Total 16
Master of Development Economics Degree Plan
Development Economics
No Elective Credits Selective Credits
1 Micro Economics 4 Engineering Economics 3
2 Macro Economics 4 Math 4
3 Islamic Economics 2 Monitory Economics 3
4 Econometrics 4 Growth Theories 3
5 Development Economics 3 Applied Econometrics 3
6 Afghanistan Economy 3
7 International Trade 3
8 Agriculture Economics 3
9 Thesis 6
  Total 32   16
Financial Information

Each MA student is required to pay a fixed amount of AFN 20,000 per each of the four semesters. Tuition fee per credit hour is AFN 5,000. Students can take up to 10 credits per semester and a 6-credit course to complete their final thesis. Fee per credit for this course is AFN 7,000 which becomes a total sum of AFN 62,000 along the 20,000 AFN predetermined fee for the semester. Tuitions are summarized in the below table:

Type of Fee Amount
Predetermined Fee 20000 AFN
Tuition Fee Per Credit Hour 5000 AFN
Fee Per Semester 70000 AFN
Total Annual Fee 140000 AFN

Learning Facilities at Kateb University

At Kateb, we give a great importance to curricular and extra-curricular activities, we developed many platforms that can help our student to excellence their knowledge and skills, and they are as follow:

Centers of Excellence through Extracurricular Activities

There are many student-led platforms at Kateb University that have dynamic and strategic goals align with students’ personal and professional growth. Some of the student-led platforms are Student Development Center, Student Advising Center, Center for Career Development, Student Clubs, Students’ Association, and Sport Clubs. The purpose of these platforms is to support the students advance their social and generic skills i.e. soft skills, interpersonal skills, networking, meta-cognitive skills, writing, oratory and debate skills, leadership skills and so on.

Centers for Professional Skills Development

Kateb University has different centers such as Professional Development Institute (PDI), International Testing Centers (ITC), and Approved Learning Center (ALC) which aim at helping students build their capacity and acquire professional skills other than what is included in their scholastic curriculum.

Kateb Professional Development Institute (KPDI) provides professional short courses in the areas of ACCA, Cisco, CCNA, GRE, TOEFL iBT and TESOL. These short courses help prepare students for their post-graduate studies. KPDI is also an authorized TOEFL iBT, CISCO, GRE, ACCA and PEARSON testing center.

At Kateb University, we have developed the best research platforms that can help students to enhance their research knowledge and expertise on both national and international standards.

Research Centers

Research is the backbone of social science, statistics, and modern-day intellectual world. Kateb University values research no less than any other world-class colleges. There are four active research centers at the university: Research Center of Economics and Management Science, Research Center of Medicine, Research Center of Social Science and Research Center of Engineering and Computer Sciences. These research centers mainly aim at enriching the university’s research infrastructure and developing the capacity of students and faculty in making research-based impacts. These research centers work with relevant departments to develop standards such as research policies, research structures, research strategies, research training and research guidance to help students and faculty members conduct standard research papers for the university’s publication while meeting the standards of ‘impact factor journals’.

In 2017, the Kateb research center conducted certificate courses on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies for faculty members and graduate-level students. The course was delivered by Dr. Shakirullah, a professor and advisor at  Stanford University. As a follow-up to the course content, two of our outstanding Alumni, Mr. Zia Shefaie and Mr. Norullah Nawaee are working extensively under the supervision of Dr. Shakirullah striving to publish their research papers in the four-star “impact factor journal”.

KU Research Journals

At KU, we have three dynamic scientific journals: Kateb Scientific Quarterly, Journal of Economic Studies, and Journal of Human Right Studies. The Professional Management Board from different fields of studies lead the trend of research papers and its publications in Kateb Scientific Journal. As starters, our Students can also publish their research papers in Kateb’s scientific journal.

Research-based Courses

At KU, students can take a 6-credit course on research methodology and research software such as SPSS, STATA and E-Views during their 4 years of BA study at KU since they are accountable for their 6 credits of their thesis in the final semester of their academic journey to complete their degree.

Kateb Research Institute

Kateb Research Institute (KRI) is a separate unit within the Kateb University that mainly focuses on delivering quality applied researches targeting the research market of Afghanistan. KRI’s activities are totally distinct from activities of faculties and research departments currently available at KU. The mission of KRI is to implement quality-applied research, enhance research standards and institutionalize the research culture in Afghanistan. This platform can impact the students work as interns in different applied-research organizations to enhance their applied-research skills and build their career in the field of research.

Furthermore, students can initiate research ideas in different fields of research; the Kateb Research Institute can help them in the areas of research and fundraising. KRI also provides certificate course for the student of economics in the fields of Applied Research, Research Methodologies, Applied Econometrics, Applied Statistics, Data Modeling and Data Analysis. Using   STTA, E-Views, and SPPS as statistical software help the student to implement their researches in a more professional and effective way.

Research Website

A category named as Student Research is added to the KU’s Research Website. Students can submit their research papers to the Scientific Research Board for review and get them published in the KU’s Research Website.


1.      Registrations:

Students need to fill the “Kateb Regular Students’ Registration Form” online  or get it from the Office of Registrar.

Below are the eligibility criteria for enrollment for the graduate program at the department of economics.

  1. Bachelor’s Degree in relevant field
  2. Valid National Identity Card or Passport
  3. Marks above 60% in University Entrance Test

2.     Admission:

Each enrolling student needs to appear in a mandatory university entrance exam set by the university’s administration. This exam is offered for enrollment one time a year and one at the beginning of each regular semester; fall and spring.

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