About the Department


Department of Economics tries to meet the management and development needs of the society by providing the labor market with knowledgeable, educated, trained and efficient human capital. Kateb provides world class educational environment. We rely on quantitative research, supervision of expert faculty members, use of latest technologies, up to date teaching methods and cooperation or authoritative international institutions. The Department of Economics strives to implement and value these important steps. Likewise, scientific growth of professors and increasing potential and capacity of our staff is of major priority to us.

Strategic Goals

The Department of Economics offers opportunities, updates its curriculum based on changing world, evaluates its strengths and weaknesses on regular basis. To keep these happening, we have set visions and missions to guide and lead us to heights of success. Our five year objectives and goals are as follows:

  1. Holding PhD of Economic Sciences and Economics Development courses
  2. Holding MBA Management Master Courses
  3. All faculty members should have PhD degrees or they should be PhD students.
  4. Publishing the Economics and Management Journal
  5. Increasing the number of students to 1,500
  6. Signing memorandum of understanding with national and international scientific institutions
  7. Department of Economics restructuring based on the academic principles
  8. Establishing Specialized Library
  9. The establishment of Student Scientific Society
  10. Establishing the consultancy and Research Center
  11. The adaptation and matching with regionally accredited universities scientific standards
Brief History

Department of Economics started its activity as a department in the field of “business economics” in the Department of Social Sciences in 2009. In 2011, with the approval from Ministry of Higher Education, we became an independent department. Currently, the Department of Economics has about 800 students and 35 full-time and adjunct professors with doctorate and master’s degrees. Launch of Business Economics and Business Administration at undergraduate level in the first stage of the formation of the department followed by Economic Sciences and Economic Development for master’s degree were the initial steps towards our success. We meet the institutions, agencies, banks and enterprises’ dire need in the private and government sectors by presenting them with experts, economists and skilled managers and professionals.

Business Economics was established and recognized as one of majors under the Department of Social Sciences in 2011. With the establishment of Economics as major in 2012, Business Economics, Business Administration and Education Management were shifted to the supervision of Department of Economics. The department was led by a dean, two deputies and two assistants. Later in 2017, as per the university policy, two heads for each Business Administration and Business Economics were appointed. They now work under the supervision of the Economics Department.

In the same way, most of the essential activities of the department are supervised by three committees:

  • Curriculum Development Committee
  • Strategic Plan Development Committee
  • Accreditation Committee
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