Dean’s Message

Najibullah Arshad

As Dean of Economics Faculty, I welcome your interest in Kateb University. Kateb University is a dynamic, student-friendly learning environment. In Economics Faculty, we believe in social responsibility, equal rights and opportunities and free prejudice workplace. Our academic programs in graduate (economics, development economics, sociology) and undergraduate (business economics, business administration, educational management, sociology) levels are up-to-date, and market oriented. We offer effective extracurricular activities, short term courses i.e. ACCA, Quick Books, human resource management, leadership, project management, internship programs, industrial tours, career advices, various cultural tours and etc.
We are committed to provide students with opportunities to explore their interest, to discover their passion and develop valuable comparative advantages. We strive to nurture economic analysts, policy makers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, who are critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers, strong communicators. We can be thankful for growth in the quality and numbers of students with more than 800 students. And with it, the Economics Faculty has grown to become a widely recognized and respected economics and business school in the country.
Teaching, learning, and exploring are supported by outstanding faculty members and dedicated support staff who are actively involved in teaching. Faculty members conduct nationally and internationally recognized research, support our students as they pursue their own research or creative productions and present in scientific gatherings. The strategic goals that have been identified by the faculty are designed to ensure that our priorities and focus are in resources, programs, structures and services that will best allow us to serve our students and meet our divisional and institutional learning outcomes, mission and vision.
If you’re seeking a credible economics and business school with a dynamic faculty with real-world experiential learning and opportunities to make connections in a vibrant community, our economics faculty is for you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have through: We welcome you to visit our campus and meet with our faculty.

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