International Students Day

The Faculty of Economics, Kateb University celebrates the International Students Day held on the 18th of November 2017, and considers this day as an opportunity to harness the power of collaboration between students and to encourage meaningful youth involvement.

Dr. Najibullah Arshad (Head of Economics Faculty) welcome guests and congratulated this great day to all youngsters. He promised that using all opportunities, capacities and experiences, Faculty will provide students with all help in order to achieve academic success and personal growth.

Audience was first addressed by University Chancellor Honorable (Dr. Alireza Muhseni), who said that this is a celebration of greatest assets of every country and he did promise to provide many opportunities for students in the future.

The conduction of the program was charismatically done by Head of BBA & BBE Departments (Mr. Mohammad Shaker Azizi and Dr. Ehsan Erfani Ghaznawee and more than eight students have been recognized and appreciated for their great performance during the year.

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