
About the Business Economics

Many career choices await the graduates of economics studies. Some economics graduates may work in finance, banking or government, many other might pursue different other potential career paths. On a broader picture, economics is the study of human behaviors to help improve the standard of living by finding solutions. By completing an undergraduate degree in Business Economics at Kateb University, one will be prepared with extensive knowledge of advanced mathematics, report analysis, research methodology, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. One may also be able to run a personal business as a startup in either service or product run businesses. Additionally, one can pursue careers with national and international organizations. Just a few of the many business economics professions that often begin with a Bachelor’s in Business Economics include; Business Consultant, Business Analyst, Market Research Specialist, Marketing and Strategic Communication Specialist, Finance Manager and Business Trainer. Typical settings for business economics jobs are financial, marketing and investment institutions, banks, firms including consulting firms, research organizations, academia and insurance companies.

Students can choose to study business administration, strategic management, finance, development economics, international business, money and banking, international development or marketing for their post-graduate studies. Some of the economics graduates may even choose to study law in their post-graduate. The strengthened connection between the two has been because of the growing use of formal economics in law.

About Economics at Kateb University

Economics provides practical real life solutions to free human societies for their various problems lifting them up from poverty to facilitating them with growth and development. Poverty, unemployment and economic instability are crucial issues  to people of Afghanistan. Department of economics at Kateb University was established to best train human capital in fields of Economics Development and Business Economics. It is expected that taking advantage of the knowledge in economics, graduates learn how to analyze complex economic problems faced by large organizations. Successful graduates can provide effective solutions and participate in economic policy development.

Economics and Kateb aims to educate experts and skilled personnel to meet the needs of the labor market, institutions, agencies, and banks. Moreover, we prepare the students  to study master’s and Ph.D. in economic sciences and international development.


The undergraduate program in economics at Kateb has been designed to provide necessary skill sets for the world outside university walls. The core competencies taught are comprised of theories and applied economics. The theories include the study of micro and macro economics, money and banking, business and international trade, econometrics, financial economics, and economics software. The applied knowledge teaching encompasses organization management, product management, project management, financial management, e-trade, financial accounting and corporate finance etc.

The curriculum at the Department of Business Economics is reviewed at the end of each academic year by the Curriculum Development Committee. Committee members are from the permanent faculty members who provide advice based on the courses they offer. The curriculum is reviewed, redesigned and developed based on requirements of the job market and international standards.

The Professional Development Center for faculty members provides professional training to faculty members based on requirements of the reviewed curriculums.

Credits Summary
Credits Summary
S/No Courses Number of Credit Percentage
1 General Subjects 16 Credits 11.42 %
2 Foundations 39 Credits 27.85 %
3 Core Subjects 72 Credits 51.42%
4 Elective Subjects 7 Credits 5 %
5 Monograph 6 Credits 4.28 %

KU Department of Economics has two groups of faculty members as permanent and visiting. Permanent faculty members provide lectures, supervise student research, develop policies and procedures, conduct scientific research based on their expertise and are members to the curriculum development committee and take part in strategic planning for the department. Visiting faculty members usually provide lectures and if convenient they can also submit research articles for the KU Journal of Economics. Currently, more than 35 lecturers are working within the faculty of economics.

Program Outcomes

After getting a BA in Economics from Kateb University, a student will be able to serve as director of economic policy guidelines in their specialized field and try to settle economic issues and provide decisions and solutions at different levels. Graduates of economics are expected to work as instructors at universities teaching higher education, serve as a researcher to analyze problems and play a key role as institutional and government policymakers, work as an expert in international organizations, banks, government agencies and privates sector, educate experts and skilled labor for financial institutions, increase their skills and abilities to match the needs of the day and solve Afghanistan’s economic problems, prepare for further education abroad or within the country in many different innovative fields, and finally, take advantage of the acquired knowledge to analyze and solve complex problems and offer viable solutions in the face of macro and macroeconomic challenges on organizational and governmental levels.

Learning Facilities at Kateb University

At Kateb, we give a great importance to curricular and extra-curricular activities, we developed many platforms that can help our student to excellence their knowledge and skills, and they are as follow:

Centers of Excellence through Extracurricular Activities

Many student-run platforms are created at Kateb University that has dynamic and strategic goals for the academic growth of undergraduate students. Some of these platforms are the Student Development Center, the Student Advising Center, Center for Career Development, student clubs, Students’ Association, sports clubs etc. The purpose of these platforms is to support our student to improve and enhance their social and generic skills such as; soft skills, attitude management, networking, meta-cognitive skills, writing, oratory and debate, leadership skills, joy radiation etc. These platforms can help our students can build up their personal and professional lives. In short, these platforms help our students to become effective learners.

Centers for Professional Skills Development

Kateb University has different centers such as Professional Development Institute, International Testing Centers and Approved Learning Center to help students build their capacity and acquire professional skills other than what is included in their scholastic curriculum.

Kateb Professional Development Institute generally provides professional short courses to students from every fields of study. Courses offered are  ACCA, Cisco, CCNA, GRE and TOEFL and TESOL. GRE and TOEFL programs help prepare our students for their post-graduate studies. Kateb University has approved learning centers for TOEFL and ACCA. Economics students can specifically take ACCA (Finance, Audit and Accounting classes) to enhance these professional skills.

KPDI is also an authorized TOEFL iBT, CISCO, GRE, ACCA and PEARSON testing centers where students can take the examinations after completing the courses. By having a good score of TOEFL and GRE our students can apply for scholarships abroad, such as; Fulbright, DAAD, Chevening etc.

At Kateb University we have developed the best research platforms that can help students to enhance their research knowledge and skills based on international impact factors standards.

Research Centers

Research is the backbone of social sciences, statistics and modern day intellectual world. Kateb University values research no less than any other world class school. There are four active research centers at KU. For example, Research Center of Economics and Management Science, Research Center of Medicine, Research Center of Social Science and Research Center of Engineering and Computer Science. The main aim of these research centers is to enhance the research infrastructure and develop the capacity of conducting research based on impact factor journals. Moreover, research centers work with relevant departments to develop standards such as research policies, research structures, research strategies, research training and research guidance to help students and faculty members conduct standard research papers for publish meeting the standards of ‘impact factor journals’.

In 2017, the Kateb research center conducted certificate courses on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies for faculty members and graduate level students. The purpose of the course was to enhance the skills and knowledge of faculty to be able to publish their research papers in impact factor journals. The course was delivered by Dr. Shakirullah, a professor, Ph.D. and advisor at Stanford University. As a follow up to the course content, two of our students Mr. Zia Shefaie and Norullah Nawaee, both KU Faculty of Economics Alumni are working under the supervision of Dr. Shakirullah on their papers and aim to publish their research papers in  four star impact factor journal. This platform can help our student to learn how to conduct researches and how to write research papers based on ISI indicators.

KU Research Journals

At Kateb University we have three scientific journals such as Kateb Scientific Quarterly, Journal of Economic Studies, and Journal of Human Right Studies with a dynamic structure. Professional Management Board from different fields of studies lead the trend of research papers’ publication in Kateb Scientific Journal. Our Students can publish their research papers in Kateb’s scientific journal as starters.

Research-Based Courses

Furthermore, students take a 6 credits course on research methodology and research software such as SPSS, STATA and E-Views during their 4 years at Kateb. Students are responsible for 6 credits thesis in the last semester of their academic journey to complete their degree.

Kateb Research Institute

Kateb Research Institute (KRI) is a separate unit within Kateb University that has the main focus on delivering quality applied researches targeting the research market of Afghanistan. KRI’s activities are totally distinct from activities of faculties and research departments currently available at Kateb University. The mission of KRI is to implement quality applied research, enhance research standards and institutionalize the research culture in Afghanistan. This platform can help the students work as an intern in different applied research organizations to enhance their applied research skills and build their career in the field of research. Students also can initiate research ideas in different fields of research; the Kateb Research Institute can help them in the areas of research conduct and fundraising. KRI also provide certificate course for the student of economics in the fields of Applied Research, Research Methodologies, Applied Econometrics, Applied Statistics, Data Modeling and Data Analysis. Using   STTA, E-Views, and SPPS as statistical software help the student to implement their researches in a professional way. Furthermore, by taking this extra courses student can develop their capacities in the field of applied research.

Research Website

A category named as Student Research is added to the KU’s Research Website. Students can submit their research papers to the Scientific Research Board for review and get them published in the KU’s Research Website.


1.      Registrations:

Students need to fill the “Kateb Regular Students’ Registration Form” online  or get it from the Office of Registrar.

Below are the eligibility criteria for enrollment for the graduate program at the department of economics.

  1. Bachelor’s Degree in relevant field
  2. Valid National Identity Card or Passport
  3. Marks above 60% in University Entrance Test

2.     Admission:

Each enrolling student needs to appear in a mandatory university entrance exam set by the university’s administration. This exam is offered for enrollment one time a year and one at the beginning of each regular semester; fall and spring.


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